Private Policy of I Coach U

I Coach U highly respects users’ privacy. To fully enjoy the services provided through the platform of I Coach U, you need to provide us with your personal information. With this Private policy, we let you know how we collect, use, store, and share your personal information; also you are fully informed of the methods with which how your visits, our renewal, control and protection of your personal information are operated. This Private Policy is closely related with the services you will enjoy on this platform. Therefore, we ask you to pay full attention to the conditions and terms in this document.

1.Information You Provide

The following listed information will be used for you to enjoy the services on I Coach U. If you refuse to provide it, your registration on I Coach U as well as other services will be rejected.

1.1.Information You Need to Offer

    a.When signing up, you need to offer such personal information as phone numbers, email address, and payment accounts.

    b.Information you share with other users and you saved on the platform in order to obtain functions and services of I Coach U.

2.Information We May Collect

2.1.Log Information:

The following information may be collected automatically by the system through cookies, web beacon and other tools, while you use our platform and services, which may include:

    a.Information about the device and software on your side, e.g., mobile terminals, web bowers, compatible information for accessing our programs, IP address, version number of your mobile terminals, and identification code of your devices;

    b.Information you search and browse on I Coach U, e.g., key words for searching, URL address of websites you visit, including other information or details required when enjoy our services or for browsing I Coach U apps and its website;

    c.Information about the apps and relevant software you use, including record of your use of the apps and the relevant software;

    d.Information you share on I Coach U with its original data, e.g., pictures, audio or video clips you create or upload on I Coach U, including their creating time, dates, or places;

2.2.Position Information:

The information we may collect through your positioning device while you access I Coach U service.

    a.Information about your location and position while you use our service provided by your mobile device, i.e., geographical information acquired through GPS or Wi-Fi;

    a.b.You may switch off the positioning function on your device so that we may have no access to your location or position information.

3.How We Use Your Personal Information

We may use your personal information we have collected as follows:

    a.In order to carry out our service to you;

    b.For safety purposes, such as authentication, customer service, shielding, fraud monitoring, filing and back-up;

    c.To help us upgrade product and service;

    d.To help us have better understanding of user behavior in order to generate individualized service;

    e.To assess our promotion or sales policies in order to improve them;

    f.Software verification and upgrading;

    g.To be involve in our product and service survey.

In order to enhance user experience, improve our service, and upgrade functions with your permission, as well as in accordance with the law, we may use the information collected through some service to integrate with other forms of service by means of reorganization and specialization.

4.How to Access and Control Your Personal Information

We will take all possible technical measures to guarantee your access to, renewal of, and modification of your user account information and other information while you use our services. Before accessing, renewing, revising and deleting the above-mentioned information, we shall ask you for verification in order to secure your account.

5.We May Share Your Information

5.1. We shall not share your personal information with any third party without your consensus, excluding the service supplier, contractor and agency who have to use your personal information to transfer emails, send SMS messages, and offer positioning data service. The purposes of cooperating with the above-mentioned parties are as follows:

    a.To provide service successfully;

    b.To maintain and upgrade our service;

During the operation, we shall make sure that such a third party will observe this Private Policy and abide by the law, and take proper measures to keep your personal information safe and duly protected.

4.2. You personal information may be reserved, stored, or forwarded to a third party in the following cases:

    a.required by the law and government regulations; the order for the court and other legal establishments;

    c.To protect others’ legal rights in accordance with the law.

6.Information Safety

Your personal information is reserved and stored on I Coach U with the accordance of the Private Policy and within the period specified by the law. We will apply various safety technologies and programs to prevent your personal information from missing, inappropriate using, unauthorized browsing and leaking. You need to realize that, during your connection with our server and network, there might be problems happening beyond our control.

7.Information You Share with Others

You can share your information and content not only with your friends or acquaintances, but all users on I Coach U. For instance, the information and content you have created or uploaded on the platform including your profile, courses published, relies to or comments on other contents, and position and log information. The other users on I Coach U may have the same right to share the above-mentioned information or content. Especially, our social media service is for world wide users, any material thus uploaded or published will be instantly available to users all over the world. If you do not delete the information or content you have uploaded, it will be permanently accessible for any user. Even if you delete it, the information may have been shared to other websites or platforms than our own.

Therefore, you are advised that you should stay highly prudent and cautious before you upload any content on I Coach U. You may use Setting function in our apps or website to control third party access to your information. For some information and content, you have to contact I Coach U supporting staff to treat your information or content according to the agreement we have reached before and this Private Policy.

8.Sensitive Personal Information You Share with Others

Certain personal information such as race, religion, health and bank account is regarded sensitive and highly confidential under most circumstances and strictly protected. Please be careful when you submit and publish your personal information so that you are fully aware that there may be risks of exposing your sensitive information. You need to follow the advice in this Private Policy when you handle your personal information on our platform.

9.How We Collect Personal Information

We may collect and use your personal information, together with our partners, through cookies and web beacon, and store it as log information. The purpose of so doing is to offer you better and individualized product experience and service. For example:

    a.To take down your identity. For instance, cookies and web beacon may help us recognize your registration and keep information about your likes or other predilections.

    b.To analyze how you use our platform and software. For instance, we may use cookies and web beacon to get to know what functions, contents, or services you prefer.

    c.To offer suitable commercials. Cookies and web beacon can help us to provide you with commercial information that may suit your need.

We may also collect non-personal information through cookies and web beacon to process. Then we shall work with our partners to analyze user behavior in order to enhance our services and promotion.

You may set your web browser to control cookies or web beacon. However, suspending cookies or web beacon may affect your use of the platform and may paralyze some functions. Meanwhile, you will receive similar amount of commercials of low relevance.

10.Commercials and Ads

We may provide you with commercials and ads based on your personal data and according to your needs.

We may send you emails, make telephone calls to inform you of our product progress, promotion activities and sales policies.

11.We May Send You Emails and Messages

11.1.Emails and Messages

We may send you email, news and instant messages to your devices. If you do not want to receive such information, you may cancel booking on your apps and terminals.

11.2.Service Notifications

Sometimes, due to system maintenance we may suspend some functions. In such cases, we will send you relevant notifications, which you may not be able to block or cancel the booking, for such information does not belong to commercials or promotion literature.


Our services include links with third party social networks. You may tap or click “share” button to exchange contents with them, or you may log in I Coach U through your other social media accounts. Such exchange or shared login may collect your personal information and install cookies in your computers or mobile terminals for such operation. We may use different service methods to provide you with such connections so that you may access their services and websites.

When using third party social media or services, you agree to accept their terms and conditions including their private policies, which may differ from I Coach U Private Policy in some aspects. This Private Policy is only effective with I Coach U users and can not hold responsibility for their using third party services.

13.How Minors Use Our Service

We encourage parents or guardians of minors(under age 18) to use our services. We suggest parents or guardians read this Private Policy and any submission of a minor’s personal information is under their parents’ or guardians’ supervision and permission.


We may revise the terms and conditions in the Private Policy and any revised content will be as effective as the rest of the document. When we feel any revision will substantially diminish your right regarding this Private Policy, we shall notify you on apps and websites or do so by sending you emails or messages. After being notified, if you continue to enjoy our services, we may take it for granted that you accept the revised version of this Private Policy.